
Your Home Exterior’s Color Can Make or Break its Look

  Selecting a color for your home’s exterior is pretty important. After all, you’re going to be looking at it every day — and so is everyone else in your neighborhood. The color of your home is no small matter, but when you’re contemplating what would be best, keep in mind your color choices [...]

Your Home Exterior’s Color Can Make or Break its Look2024-11-12T10:25:51-07:00

Your Brick Exterior Doesn’t Have to Be Red!

  You want a brick exterior, but what color brick should you choose? If you’re agonizing over this question, you’re probably not a traditionalist. The truth is, a lot of people, when asked what color brick they prefer, reply, “Duh! Brick red!” Sigh. Some of us know better. Bricks come in a spectrum of [...]

Your Brick Exterior Doesn’t Have to Be Red!2024-11-12T10:25:50-07:00

Accent Lighting Brightens Up Your Home

Never underestimate the importance of accent lighting. The old, yellow, 60-watter you keep burning on your front porch at night to keep the bugs away isn’t doing your home’s image any favors. It’s time to get your outdoor lighting in line with the 21st century. Let’s first take a look at some styles you [...]

Accent Lighting Brightens Up Your Home2024-11-12T10:25:50-07:00

Home Exteriors: A How-to-Clean Guide

Your home’s exterior needs a bath. Just like kids and dogs, your house needs bathing too, and it will probably result in less of a mess than you get bathing kids and dogs. The first thing you want to do is see how dirty it is. To do this [...]

Home Exteriors: A How-to-Clean Guide2024-11-12T10:25:49-07:00

Home Exterior Improvements: Step by Step Instructions

Spring is almost here, and your home’s exterior is going to want some sprucing up. Spring cleaning isn’t only for your closets, you know. It’s for the outside too. Maintaining your home’s exterior isn’t just to keep it looking good, it’s to help your home last longer as well. [...]

Home Exterior Improvements: Step by Step Instructions2024-11-12T10:25:49-07:00

Get Your Gutters in Shape for Rainy Season

  It’s not too early to worry about how your gutters held up this winter. We may have a few more weeks in which a snowfall isn’t exactly unexpected (though it may be unwelcome), and right after that comes the busy season for your gutters. Gutters have it hard all winter, [...]

Get Your Gutters in Shape for Rainy Season2024-11-12T10:25:48-07:00

Heated Gutter Guards — Are They Any Good?

  No one wants ice dams encompassing their gutters in a frozen prison, wreaking havoc on the roof. Would heated gutter guards help? First, let’s make clear what an ice dam is. Ice dams form when snow on your roof begins to melt on the underside — the side closest to [...]

Heated Gutter Guards — Are They Any Good?2024-11-12T10:17:48-07:00

Don’t Miss the Salt Lake Tribune Home and Garden Festival

The Salt Lake Tribune Home and Garden Festival is right around the corner! So is spring, of course — they timed it that way. The annual home and garden show is a sign that warmer weather and sprouting daffodils are on their way. It’s not just plants that make [...]

Don’t Miss the Salt Lake Tribune Home and Garden Festival2024-11-12T10:17:47-07:00

Home Renovation Estimates Should Include Everything

If you’re embarking on a home renovation, you’re going to want an estimate. The cost of your project can vary thousands of dollars, depending on your choice of contractor and materials. is a fun tool to use if you want a ballpark estimate of what you can expect [...]

Home Renovation Estimates Should Include Everything2024-11-12T10:17:46-07:00

The Truth about Hardie Siding

You know James Hardie siding is the best, but do you know why? The path to greatness began over 100 years ago. James Hardie was a Scottish immigrant to Australia, where he started an import business in the late 19th century. The company that bore his name was sold to his business partner in 1911, but the [...]

The Truth about Hardie Siding2024-11-12T10:17:46-07:00
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